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Date   : Mon, 06 Nov 2006 00:54:37 +0000
From   : hideki.adam@... (adam colley)
Subject: DFS on 3.5inch - Is this supposed to work?


On 06/11/06, Richard Gellman <splodge@...> wrote:
> Now that you've finished speaking to me in such tones...
> After a quick test with my model B, it appears that I do indeed require
> something else to make my 3.5in drive work with the model B, as I do get
> the Drive Error 10  when trying to read discs.

>From what I understand from my limited testing, the model B prefers
low density drives, I had that problem with mine with several (3) high
density drives but tried an old Atari ST 720K drive and it all worked
fine, if you're experiencing the same problem as me you'll find that
formatting utilities don't get past track 10... I was also using DFS
0.9 if that makes a difference..

> I'm told (from another post) that you have prepared a patched DNFS ROM
> image that sorts this problem out. Forgive my being out of touch, but is
> this available ready-blown in a ROM (any cost?), or do I need to invest
> in a chip and dig out my EPROM programmer?

I'm not sure how well that solution will work if the drive is actually
incompatible... it seemed to me the stepping wasn't working as it
should but I could be wrong...


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