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Date   : Mon, 06 Nov 2006 00:39:17 +0000
From   : splodge@... (Richard Gellman)
Subject: DFS on 3.5inch - Is this supposed to work?

Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
> Richard Gellman <splodge@...> wrote:
>> My initial thought was that a modern PC floppy drive wouldn't be able to
>> handle the 200K single density format of DFS. But when I tried
>> Now my question is, is this working perfectly, or is there some sort of
>> half-way format that I've created where single-density data is being
>> recorded in a double-density mode or some such silliness? I.e. if I put
> Double-density *IS* single density. Single density *IS* double
> density. The only difference is how the bitstream is encoded. As
> far as the disk and the drive is concerned, it's just 50,000 bits
> of data. What the *controller* does with that data is completely
> irrelavant.
> There's no such thing as a single density disk or a single density
> drive. Single density disks/drives are double density disks/drive
> and vis versa. You should call them "low density" in contrast to
> "high density" disks, the black ones with two holes.
OK... I'm getting a teense tired of people barking information at me as 
if I'm a complete idiot for not knowing this stuff in advance. I freely 
confess to knowing exactly nothing about density differences, except 
that the sector header is different. This is why I post my question to 
the list... i.e. "I do not know what I'm doing here, please tell me if 
I'm too optimistic on this..." etc.

[highly technical information snipped]

I actually found this interesting reading, if a tad unnecessary. My 
question was simply "Will this work, or do I need something else as well?".
> Double density data format uses Modified Frequency (MFM) Encoding.
> This uses *THE* *SAME* *NUMBER* *OF* *BYTES* recorded at *THE*
> *SAME* *DENSITY* written on a disk with *THE* *SAME* *MAGNETIC*
> *SURFACE* with *THE* *SAME* *MAGNETIC* *GRANULARITY* to encode a
> greater amount of user data.
And herein is the barking again. SD and DD are the same format. You made 
your point, now please calm down and refrain from excessive use of bold 

[more technical info snipped]
> Another matter to know is that very few PC disk controllers can
> actually do single density encoding. The vast majority only
> understand MFM and many PCs have crippled BIOSes that only allows
> reading and writing of 512-byte sectors.
> When you cover up the hole in a HD disk the drive will attempt to
> write to it, the drive will record with the 600 oersted DD write
> current. 600 oersteds is insufficient to properly write the data
> and it will fail.
I can report that I've successfully written to HD disks with covered 
holes and read them back again with no faults. I imagine this is down to 
the properties of either the disk or the drive, my thinking leaning 
towards the disk.

If I were to be as curiously pedantic (maybe not the right word?) as 
you, I might point out that not all HD floppies are black. Indeed I have 
a 1.44Mb DOS "rescue" floppy here that is distinctly yellow, but I 

Now that you've finished speaking to me in such tones...

After a quick test with my model B, it appears that I do indeed require 
something else to make my 3.5in drive work with the model B, as I do get 
the Drive Error 10  when trying to read discs.

I'm told (from another post) that you have prepared a patched DNFS ROM 
image that sorts this problem out. Forgive my being out of touch, but is 
this available ready-blown in a ROM (any cost?), or do I need to invest 
in a chip and dig out my EPROM programmer?

-- Richard

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