Date : Mon, 14 Aug 2006 09:39:44
From : Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...>
Subject: Re: Econet NIC disappeared from config
Hi Chris,
On Wed 09 Aug, Chris Johns wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Aug 2006, Johan Heuseveldt wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > As some people recently had sent messages to the list wherein they
> > had drawn their LAN layout with /both/ Econet and Ethernet, I do hope
> > some of you can help me out, as I'm completely stuck.
> I tried to reply to your message in the Select list, but it didn't appear
> on the list, so here is the repy..
Thanks, much appreciated!
> To: riscos-select@...
> Subject: Re: Econet NIC vanished (after UNIPOD)
> Hiya
> > About a year ago I installed an UNIPOD card. That caused the Econet
> > and PPP interfaces no longer being present in the Interfaces window
> > from Network Configuration. (and SCSI problems as well)
> Installing the UNIpod in itself shouldn't have done that, unless
> something else changed at the same time.
But it does somehow. At that time UNIpod was the only thing dealing with.
> I have a UNIpod + Econet
> NIC in my RiscPC, and both are configured. I presume the Econet
> still works, however it's not connected to anything to check.
At the start of the Select Scheme, Econet was neglected a bit. As there
is still software in use that use Econet protocols, Econet is fully back
in RISC OS 4 Select (later issues). Similar words telling this were in
one of the email news letter messages of RISC OS Ltd.
> Do you have the Econet module present on your system? I think the
I mentioned the PPP module as well, not that I need it. The way the
system works was so obvious with it: Remove the module from
and it disappears from the configuration 'Interfaces' window. Put it
back, and it will reappear. In the past, it works the same for the
econet module, although it's a long time since I last checked.
The weird thing is that there /was/ the PPP module, but after UNIpod,
it is completely vanished. In a way it is logical I don't have the
matching config option anymore, but it looks like that something along
the line of installing UNIpod had deleted the PPP module. Yes, very
odd, even thinking that the installation procedure is to blame, but
I certainly didn't do that. The other odd is that the econet module
is still there, but the config option is still vanished from
'Interfaces', and did come back.
The econet config /was/ there before the UNIpod procedure, although
I don't remember if it was functional/working
> interface setup looks for it, and if it's not there it doesn't offer to
> configure Econet. I'm not sure if it's in the ROM thesedays, you might
The module is present, and is the same for quite a while. I think is
was renewed when changing from DCI2 to DCI4 driver interface, but I'm
not sure, as at the time I wasn't aware of the difference, and even
didn't know what it means. Leo Smiers (Dutch fellow) told me then.
The module filename is EconetA; notice the ending in 'A'. So it
could be the wrong file now. As I could not find any specific reference
to it - like a RMEnsure command - I can't be sure if it is the correct
file name.
> need to softload it, or if you have the UNIpod installed, add it to the
> UNIpod flash with SNAFU.
As UNIpod makes ZIP100 external drive unaccessible, I have removed UNIpod
within two weeks after first instalment. Zip100 came back in working order,
but not Econet (and PPP).
> I think the BootNet scripts are to configure the NetFS side of things, as
> depending on if you have AUN and/or Native Econet certain modules need to
> be present.
AUN and NetFS are configured, and files are setup correctly.
I'm not sure, any more in depth talk about this issue is of any interest to
all of us. Please let me know of you want to read about the details deep
inside the Risc PC. Otherwise a private talk is more appropiate. Which
means that you, Chris, are my only hope to this problem, and atm I'm not
sure how much I ask from you?
Anyway, I started on this list, and after Chris' response on this list,
my answer - and many more questions between the lines - is on this list
as again. Let's hope most of you have an interest in the topic.
So the first thing to check seems the Econet module. It's homed as
and file details are: Type : Module (ffa)
Size : 21188
Date : 14:25:02 12 Feb 1996
and the file header (from Zap) is:
00000000 : .... : 00000000 : Start offset
00000004 : 4... : 00000234 : Initialisation offset
00000008 : È... : 000002C8 : Finalisation offset
0000000C : .... : 0000031C : Service call handler offset
00000010 : .... : 00000100 : Title string offset -> EconetA
00000014 : .... : 00000108 : Help string offset -> EconetA..2.06 (12 Feb
1996) © Adam Goodfello
00000018 : ,... : 0000002C : Help and command keyword table offset
0000001C : À<.. : 00043CC0 : SWI chunk base number
00000020 : Œ... : 0000018C : SWI handler code offset
00000024 : @... : 00000140 : SWI decoding table offset
00000028 : .... : 00000000 : SWI decoding code offset
0000002C : EcIn : 6E496345 : CDPVS CP3,4,C6,C9,C5,2
Questions could be:
1 : This is 10 years old. Should there be a newer one?
(It never seems updated during all Select updates)
2 : Is the naming with an 'A' correct, and should it be 'Econet'?
> Cheers
> Chris
Johan Heuseveldt <johan@... >
aka waarland
The best place is a Riscy place
When you drop change at a vending machine, the pennies will
fall nearby, while all other coins will roll out of sight.