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Date   : Sun, 13 Aug 2006 16:14:45
From   : Francis Devereux <francis@...>
Subject: BBC / Archimedes bits


My Dad has some BBC and Archimedes stuff that he would like to give
away.  All of it is free to anyone who can collect it from Leeds
(West Yorkshire).

1 x BBC Master 128. no space bar or power supply (there is a broken
power supply *with the wires cut off* that you can have)
2 x 40/80T 5.25" floppy drive (Viglen, no PSU - draws power from the
power connecter on the bottom of the beeb)

1 x A4000 base unit, 4MB RAM, 80MB HDD (if I remember correctly).  I
think this one has an intermittent fault, possibly with the hard disc
1 x dead A5000 base unit - keyboard and serial ports do not work, no
floppy drive. 610MB Western Digital hard drive that needs a special
program I wrote to make it work with Acorns (included on a floppy
disc). 4MB RAM (some on board, some on an IFEL expansion card), 4
slot backplane.
2 x Archimedes keyboards (one from the A5000, one from the A4000).

Archimedes monitor:
1 x Acorn AKF18 ("the exploding one").  Works but I think it has an
intermittent(?) fault with the green gun.

BBC monitors:
1 x Microvitec cub 452
1 x monster 21" Microvitec cub
1 x Electrohome colour monitor, looks like it is 12" or 14"
1 x Taxan 12" monochrome green-screen
we also have cables to connect these to BBCs (except possibly the Taxan)

Epson LX 80 dot matrix printer

Please get in touch with tim@... if you are interested in any
of the above :-)


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