Date : Sun, 06 Aug 2006 21:52:40
From : "Richard Wilson" <rich@...>
Subject: Re: First BBC release of JEMU
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...]
> On Behalf Of BRAHMS
> Sent: Sunday, 6 August 2006 8:06 PM
> To: rich@...;
> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] First BBC release of JEMU
> I for one am most impressed.
> Keep up the good work
> Cheer
> Dom
Thanks Dom,
I've just installed JRE 5 on my Fedora box to try it out in Firefox on the
Linux box. Worked straight out (once I'd figured out how to install the Java
plug-in). btw, the screen is set to half-size for the web page. It runs at
full speed, full size with around a 1.5GHz machine. Very cool on my wife's
2500 duo. Just waiting for someone with a decent Mac to give it a whirl.