Date : Sun, 06 Aug 2006 17:07:47 +0100
From : Austin Pass <>
Subject: Re: First BBC release of JEMU
On 6/8/06 12:52, "Richard Wilson" <rich@...> wrote:
> Just waiting for someone with a decent Mac to give it a whirl.
On my MacBook Pro (dual 2Ghz CoreDuo) it runs full speed with a load of
approx 63% on both cores.
On my PowerMac G5 (dual 2Ghz G5) it throws up an error
=B3UnsupportedClassVersionError=B2 - I=B9ll run the 10.4.7 Updater (been a while
since I even switched on the silver beasty to my eternal shame!) to see if
that has any effect. Java is up to date on it though :-(