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Date   : Tue, 01 Aug 2006 19:37:55
From   : "Tribick" <ptribick@...>
Subject: Re: Hybrid Music - determined attempt!

I've a Hybrid Music 4000 keyboard (free to collector - NW London) if anyone
wants it.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...]
> On Behalf Of Richard Kilpatrick
> Sent: 01 August 2006 16:38
> To: bbc-micro@...
> Subject: [BBC-Micro] Hybrid Music - determined attempt!
> I sold my last one about 3 years ago because it took up too much
> space in the studio, tipped over when I moved the trolley to get
> space to do other things, and dropped the monitor! I've now
> reorganised everything, and I'm looking to rebuild a Hybrid system
> with the aim of comparing it to the Apple II-based AlphaSyntauri and
> some other systems (CX5M, Apple IIgs). I've asked these questions a
> few times, but without answers. The article is really looking at 8-
> bit era computer-based synthesis/music.
> Anyway; here goes.
> I've got a Music 5000 and a Music 500 (issue 2, 1984 board, looks
> absolutely identical to the 5000 in every way). Assuming that they
> both work, will daisy-chaining them be identical to having a Music
> 5000 and 3000 or do I need to modify anything - I see there
> is a link
> on the PCB and a solder pad nearby. I can see no other obvious ways
> to make a 5000 'different' - no ROM or anything. Somehow the audio
> outputs are siamesed, so detail of that cable would be useful
> (resistor to lower levels? Something more sophisticated?).
> I need a Music 4000 to control it; if anyone has the pinout for this
> I am assuming it's not exactly a complex device electronically - I'm
> wondering if it will be possible to modify the equally simple
> keyboard from a Yamaha CX5M to perform the same task.
> I have never used a Music 2000, but for my article, it would be very
> useful to see how well the MIDI interface can be integrated.
> It looks
> to me like the software controlling it was decidedly
> user-unfriendly,
> in context.
> A broken Music 1000 would be handy for pictures, as long as the case
> is alright.
> What is the Music 6000, was it ever released? It says "Music Sensor"
> in the few posts I find mentioning it.
> And of course, if anyone has a matched pair/patched ROM/disk, or
> sideways-loading ROM image and patched software, I'd really
> appreciate it. I'm aiming to make my own but the whole process
> involves my flaky A410 and too many disk drives. I have both 5.25"
> and 3.5" drives for my Master (the latter I hope will work, they're
> from a QL, 720K ones).
>  From the article point of view, I'd also like to know what each
> component cost new, and when the Music 5000 system was actually
> released. My current thinking is that Music 5000 etc.
> appeared around
> 1987 - just in time for the BBC B to be obsolete and the Archimedes
> to be launched, and a year before the Korg M1 made synthesizers with
> sequencers commonplace.
> Since everything is on the 1MHz bus, I'm guessing that is the
> bottleneck - but I am wondering if a Master Turbo might provide a
> kick to the software, or break the timing completely.
> I'd prefer to buy these items than borrow them, because then I don't
> need to worry about them expiring on me, or trying to finish things
> in a certain timescale - but I do need to get this lot together
> somehow to finish my article.
> Richard
> --
> Tasty Other - Because Far Too Much in Life Makes Sense
> Music for download - coming soon (RIP MP3.com)
> G.A.S. http://www.dmc12.demon.co.uk/music/
> Platform: PowerMac G5 2.0GHz Dual, 20" LCD, Logic, Hammerfall.
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