Date : Tue, 01 Aug 2006 16:38:20
From : Richard Kilpatrick <oldcomputers@...>
Subject: Hybrid Music - determined attempt!
I sold my last one about 3 years ago because it took up too much
space in the studio, tipped over when I moved the trolley to get
space to do other things, and dropped the monitor! I've now
reorganised everything, and I'm looking to rebuild a Hybrid system
with the aim of comparing it to the Apple II-based AlphaSyntauri and
some other systems (CX5M, Apple IIgs). I've asked these questions a
few times, but without answers. The article is really looking at 8-
bit era computer-based synthesis/music.
Anyway; here goes.
I've got a Music 5000 and a Music 500 (issue 2, 1984 board, looks
absolutely identical to the 5000 in every way). Assuming that they
both work, will daisy-chaining them be identical to having a Music
5000 and 3000 or do I need to modify anything - I see there is a link
on the PCB and a solder pad nearby. I can see no other obvious ways
to make a 5000 'different' - no ROM or anything. Somehow the audio
outputs are siamesed, so detail of that cable would be useful
(resistor to lower levels? Something more sophisticated?).
I need a Music 4000 to control it; if anyone has the pinout for this
I am assuming it's not exactly a complex device electronically - I'm
wondering if it will be possible to modify the equally simple
keyboard from a Yamaha CX5M to perform the same task.
I have never used a Music 2000, but for my article, it would be very
useful to see how well the MIDI interface can be integrated. It looks
to me like the software controlling it was decidedly user-unfriendly,
in context.
A broken Music 1000 would be handy for pictures, as long as the case
is alright.
What is the Music 6000, was it ever released? It says "Music Sensor"
in the few posts I find mentioning it.
And of course, if anyone has a matched pair/patched ROM/disk, or
sideways-loading ROM image and patched software, I'd really
appreciate it. I'm aiming to make my own but the whole process
involves my flaky A410 and too many disk drives. I have both 5.25"
and 3.5" drives for my Master (the latter I hope will work, they're
from a QL, 720K ones).
From the article point of view, I'd also like to know what each
component cost new, and when the Music 5000 system was actually
released. My current thinking is that Music 5000 etc. appeared around
1987 - just in time for the BBC B to be obsolete and the Archimedes
to be launched, and a year before the Korg M1 made synthesizers with
sequencers commonplace.
Since everything is on the 1MHz bus, I'm guessing that is the
bottleneck - but I am wondering if a Master Turbo might provide a
kick to the software, or break the timing completely.
I'd prefer to buy these items than borrow them, because then I don't
need to worry about them expiring on me, or trying to finish things
in a certain timescale - but I do need to get this lot together
somehow to finish my article.
Tasty Other - Because Far Too Much in Life Makes Sense
Music for download - coming soon (RIP
Platform: PowerMac G5 2.0GHz Dual, 20" LCD, Logic, Hammerfall.