Date : Sun, 30 Jul 2006 22:04:40
From : dominic beesley <dominic@...>
Subject: Re: How to make an AMX mouse
Excellent, thanks.
Will buy the plugs and sockets tomorrow and put the diagrams up on my
Got a prototype mouse driver working under - well a dot moving about on
the screen :) - beebem but suspect that it may not work the same as real
Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
>>Message-ID: <44CC8325.80801@...>
> dominic beesley <dominic@...> wrote:
>>I'd quite like to test some mouse driven software I'm writing on real
> Mouse driver at
>>I've got quite a few old Archimedes mice around the place, is it easy
>>enough to rewire / interface one of these to the user port to appear as
>>an AMX mouse?
> A quadrature mouse (such as an Archimedes mouse) should be
> connected to the BBC user port as follows:
> +5v 1 | 11 CB1 - Xaxis
> 2 | 12 CB2 - Yaxix
> 0v 3 | 13 D0 - Xdir
> 4 | 14 D1 - YDir
> 5 | 15 D2
> 6 | 16 D3
> 7 | 17 D4
> 8 | 18 D5 - Left
> 9 | 19 D6 - Middle
> 10 | 20 D7 - Right
> I tend to put a 9-pin D plug on mice using the Master Compact
> pinouts:
> 1 Xdir
> Left 6
> 2 Right
> +5v 7
> 3 Middle
> 0v 8
> 4 Ydir
> Yaxis 9
> 5 Xaxis
> and make a userport to 9-pin D socket connector so I don't have to
> scrabble around underneath the computer, and the mice are also
> usable on Compacts.
> Note that the Master Compact mouse connectopr actually connects to
> different user port signals than the other machines. The *Mouse
> command refered to above takes this into account.