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Date   : Sun, 30 Jul 2006 20:08:53
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: How to make an AMX mouse

>Message-ID: <44CC8325.80801@...>

dominic beesley <dominic@...> wrote:
> I'd quite like to test some mouse driven software I'm writing on real

Mouse driver at http://mdfs.net/Info/Comp/BBC/Mouse

> I've got quite a few old Archimedes mice around the place, is it easy
> enough to rewire / interface one of these to the user port to appear as
> an AMX mouse?

A quadrature mouse (such as an Archimedes mouse) should be
connected to the BBC user port as follows:

  +5v  1 | 11  CB1 - Xaxis
       2 | 12  CB2 - Yaxix
   0v  3 | 13  D0  - Xdir
       4 | 14  D1  - YDir
       5 | 15  D2
       6 | 16  D3
       7 | 17  D4
       8 | 18  D5  - Left
       9 | 19  D6  - Middle
      10 | 20  D7  - Right

I tend to put a 9-pin D plug on mice using the Master Compact

           1 Xdir
   Left 6
           2 Right
    +5v 7
           3 Middle
     0v 8
           4 Ydir
  Yaxis 9
           5 Xaxis

and make a userport to 9-pin D socket connector so I don't have to
scrabble around underneath the computer, and the mice are also
usable on Compacts.

Note that the Master Compact mouse connectopr actually connects to
different user port signals than the other machines. The *Mouse
command refered to above takes this into account.

J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
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