Date : Thu, 13 Jul 2006 11:05:14
From : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Atom 'word pack' ROM?
Dave Moore wrote:
>> Jules Richardson wrote:
>>>> Anyone know what this is/was?
> OK, I've now found a more detailed description:
ta! Nothing too exciting then - just surprising I haven't stumbled across it
in any other Atoms before.
> Well I've got a few other Acorn catalogues and pricelists
> from the Atom-era ( in addition to the ones available @
> ) ... if
> you're interested I can put them at the top of my scanning
> pile ;) ...
Well there's no rush or anything - I'm just glad someone has something; my
Atom docs/adverts pile is reasonably thin on the ground :(
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