Date : Thu, 13 Jul 2006 02:56:23
From : "Dave Moore" <dllm@...>
Subject: Re: Atom 'word pack' ROM?
> Jules Richardson wrote:
> >> Anyone know what this is/was?
OK, I've now found a more detailed description:
> I've never heard of an Atom-specific RAM expansion
> board before, though.
> Shame there's no date on the price list - it doesn't
> list the BBC BASIC board, or the Econet board, but does
> list the colour board which is odd - I thought Acorn had
> Econet up and running on them almost immediately as
> Atoms were used for the early Econet trials.
Well I've got a few other Acorn catalogues and pricelists
from the Atom-era ( in addition to the ones available @ ) ... if
you're interested I can put them at the top of my scanning
pile ;) ...