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Date   : Wed, 12 Jul 2006 14:50:35
From   : Rob <robert@...>
Subject: Re: The Beeb BBs Project

At 13:39 12/07/2006, Chris Johns wrote:

>You can't use station IDs 0 or 255, so I make it 127 * 254, so thats
>'only' 32258 stations.

Can you daisy-chain econet networks with bridges and still reach a
fileserver at the far end?  Even placing it in the middle means up to
63 bridges to go through...  That will introduce some lag I fear..

The recommended approach is to have each network linked via a bridge
to a single network. the 'E' example (each floor in a building is a
network, then you have a seperate vertical network linking them all
together.   That way you only need to go through two bridges to go
from any station to any other.

Bear in mind though that the maximum length of any network segment
would be 400-500 Metres .. whilst you can probably squeeze all of one
network into a hall and stay within that comfortably, you're going to
need 127 similarly sized rooms all pretty close to each other.

Methinks you're going to have to borrow a tower block...


PS: don't forget extra sockets and cabling for termniators, clock
boxes, and the actual brides..
brr brr. brr brr. Hello. Maplin? Have you got 33,000 5 pin DIN
sockets and 66,000 plugs in stock please?  Oh, you've only got two...
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