Date : Wed, 12 Jul 2006 13:39:40
From : Chris Johns <chris@...>
Subject: Re: The Beeb BBs Project
On Wed, 12 Jul 2006, Jules Richardson wrote:
> Well 255 networks of 255 stations each, I believe, presumably with each
> bridge taking a couple of IDs. So theoretically, upwards of 64000 beebs.
> Practically it must be a lot less, and you can guarantee that long
> before you got everything booted, some scoundrel will have unplugged the
> network cable somewhere along the line ;-)
I think it's only 127 networks (and network 0 is special), but bridges
don't take any station IDs.
You can't use station IDs 0 or 255, so I make it 127 * 254, so thats
'only' 32258 stations.
I'll now await someone to correct my correction =)
Chris Johns <chris@... >