Date : Mon, 26 Jun 2006 14:16:04
From : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Quick CUBE eurobeeb inventory
Quick list of the stuff I got yesterday:
3 x 3U 19" racks (all with backplanes, only one with PSU)
4 x 16-way backplanes
1 x 12-way backplane
2 x 10-way backplanes
3 x rack-mount printers (only one's complete)
1 x 55-key keyboard
2 x 25-key keypads
1 x 68008 CPU board
3 x CU-BIT 6809 CPU boards
7 x 6502 Eurobeeb CPU boards
2 x 6809 Eurocube CPU boards
11 x CU-DRAM memory expansion boards
4 x FDC controllers (WD1797 chip)
6 x FDC controllers (WD2793 chip)
3 x CU-MEM RAM/ROM expansion boards
4 x CU-MEM SELECTA RAM/ROM expansion boards
2 x CU-MEM SELECTA-M RAM/ROM expansion boards
3 x CU-PRINT printer interface boards
5 x slave switching cards (relay driven I/O)
2 x panel interface cards (not sure what these are yet!)
2 x CU-BIO 4-way parallel I/O boards
1 x SERIO 4-port serial board
1 x EPROM programmer board
1 x teletext video board
1 x 'romulator' EPROM simulator board
1 x CU-BAN8 8-port analogue board
3 x unknown 12-port analogue boards
1 x ATPL EPROM programmer board
... and of the bits I got a while back:
2 x enclosures with PSU and 4-way backplanes
1 x CU-BIT 6809 CPU board
5 x 6502 Eurobeeb CPU boards
7 x 8088 CPU cards
1 x bus extender board
1 x CU-MEM RAM/ROM expansion boards
2 x CU-GRAPH video cards (2 boards per set)
1 x teletext video board
1 x CU-BAN8 8-port analogue board
1 x CU-BAN12 12-port analogue board
1 x CU-BIO 4-way parallel I/O board
2 x FDC controllers (WD2793 chip)
1 x laboratory interface board
2 x BEEB-EX boards (BBC 1MHz bus to eurobeeb backplane)
4 x CU-MEM SELECTA RAM/ROM expansion boards
1 x unknown 12-port analogue board
1 x 'romulator' EPROM simulator board
1 x SERIO 4-port serial board
1 x keyboard decoder/interface board
... so as a stab in the dark I can probably make up eight working 6502
machines with FDC and useful amount of memory, assuming that I use PC power
supplies, most of the memory I've got isn't shot, I have enough blank EPROMs
to make necessary MOS copies, and that the battery corrosion isn't too bad :-)
A couple of those can have decent graphics for output [1], a couple with 40x25
displays + teletext, and the rest with bog-standard serial character output.
All but one will have to have serial character input - but that's the way they
were supposed to be used anyway :)
[1] CU-GRAPH boards can do 512x256 resolution in 8 colours as they have their
own local memory, but are still BBC-micro compatible in the normal BBC modes
it seems.
I can probably throw together a few 6809-based systems running FLEX too (or
include 6809 board + flex with some of the 6502 machines).
No idea what to do with the 8088 boards - curiosity value only really :-( Free
8088 board with any eurobeeb, anyone? :-)
if I get time later today I'll test the rack that has the PSU in it and then
see if I can get a simple single-board 6502 system going...