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Date   : Sat, 17 Jun 2006 18:35:24
From   : Joel Rowbottom <joel@...>
Subject: Re: PEDL Z80 Board

At 19:29 17/06/2006, Jules Richardson wrote:

>>In going through piles of this stuff I've acquired recently I've
>>found something which appears to be a Z80 board in an external case.
>>Anyone got any ideas please? It's manufactured by PEDL.
>Bugger - not another beeb copro to add to my list!? :-)
>Any chance of any photos?

I'll get some in a bit when the kids are in bed - I need to do a
mammoth photo session anyway, a lot of stuff I acquired this week
came from a guy who was on Watford Electronics' beta team, so ended
up getting pre-release stuff. There's some mad stuff there, sadly
some with bent or broken pins so I need to do a bit of a fixup job.

>Don't forget that Torch's Z80 hooked up to the 1MHz bus, so the TUBE
>wasn't necessarily always used.

Ah yes good point.

>This Usenet post suggests that it is indeed a copro:
>   http://tinyurl.com/h38mf
>... and that it's a different PEDL to the Physics Engineering Design
>Lab as I'd assumed.

It does seem to be the same thing. I'll get pics anyway.

There will probably be disks with stuff on but the owner had an Acorn
Z80 copro too and the floppies are simply marked "Z80", so it'll be
"interesting" finding out what's what.



Joel Rowbottom, was-kid, geek, coder, bad penny, 'Net addict since 1991
Personal: http://www.joel.co.uk | Pics: http://photos.jml.net

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