Date : Sat, 17 Jun 2006 18:29:58
From : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: PEDL Z80 Board
Joel Rowbottom wrote:
> Hi chaps --
> In going through piles of this stuff I've acquired recently I've found
> something which appears to be a Z80 board in an external case.
> It doesn't connect to the TUBE tho, it's a 34-way ribbon cable so either
> 1MHz bus or FDD connector, and the length suggests FDD.
> Anyone got any ideas please? It's manufactured by PEDL.
Bugger - not another beeb copro to add to my list!? :-)
Any chance of any photos?
Don't forget that Torch's Z80 hooked up to the 1MHz bus, so the TUBE wasn't
necessarily always used.
This Usenet post suggests that it is indeed a copro:
... and that it's a different PEDL to the Physics Engineering Design Lab as
I'd assumed.
Last post from that author in an Acorn group was 2004 it seems, but the
address may still be valid - you might want to contact him and see what he
remembers about his board.