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Date   : Mon, 08 May 2006 21:01:33 +0100
From   : Joel Rowbottom <joel@...>
Subject: More fun with DFS, TUBE, yada yada

Hi chaps --

Right, i've got a bit further and worked out I had three (!) busted 
7438s in my junkpile. Now I have 1770 DFS working.

I picked up some time back a 6502 2nd processor and a Z80 2nd 
processor. The 6502 one doesn't have the PSU with it but I've tested 
it running from one of the +5 rails in the Beeb although I suspect 
this isn't recommended :P Question is, is it advisable to run the 
6502 2nd processor from the internal BBC B power supply for any 
length of time? If so I might as well just wire up something from the 
external power port to run it.

The Z80 2nd processor just causes mad screen issues. I don't think it works.

Now, the other question. Over the years I've acquired a few bits and 
bobs of Beebs as we all have, and found that I have two Acorn speech 
upgrade chipsets. One of them works fine with the chip ID TMS6100NLL. 
The other one is slightly different and appears to either be a blank 
PHROM or doesn't have any usable data in it - the chip is VM61002NL - 
anyone got any clues? (pics of the non-working chipset at 

Finally, is there anyone out there who could burn me a copy of ADFS 
onto a ROM please? I have a small pile of "blank" (ie. nothing the 
Beeb is claiming) 27128s so sending one off wouldn't be an issue. My 
copy of ADFS has gone missing over the years, as has my EPROM programmer.



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