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Date   : Mon, 08 May 2006 01:36:44 +0100
From   : Philip Pemberton <philpem@...>
Subject: Re: Back in circulation

In message <445E7D39.9080505@...>
          Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...> wrote:

> Mark Usher wrote:
> >>> See you at Wakefield next weekend!
> >> Indeed you will. Any other listmembers going?
> > Ooh, that is just down the road.... Err I had missed out on it, what
> > is happening there etc?
> I didn't know when it was either. Any old 8 bit stuff there, or is it j
ust a 
> modern trade fair? If there are "real" 8 bitters there I'll make an eff
ort to 
> go next time around!


Put simply, it's the biggest Acorn / RISC OS show in the north of England

Apparently "Witchy" from BinaryDinosaurs is going to be there with his
Domesday machine. The charity stall is usually worth a look - there's oft
en a
bit of 8-bit kit there hidden in with the RISC OS hardware. No BBC micros
though, thanks to the WEEE regs and the bar-steward^W nice chap who dumpe
d a
load of 486 PCs at the stall that WROCC had to pay to dispose of...

You've just missed the deadline for advance tickets, but they sell them f
£6 on the door anyway so no biggie...

> If it's just a 32 bit event - anyone up for an 8 bit equivalent one day
? I'm 
> sure I could swing something at Bletchley in the future where people wo
uld be 
> able to run their own stands with their own kit if they wanted....

That would be neat - I've got a few hardware projects planned for this
summer, a few based around my Master 128. I might consider getting a stan
set up if it all comes to fruition. Not 100% sure if I could make it down
Bletchley (I'm in Leeds) but it sounds like it could be quite fun.

Phil.                         | Kitsune: Acorn RiscPC SA202 64M+6G ViewFi
philpem@...                   | Cheetah: Athlon64 3200+ A8VDeluxeV2 512M+
http://www.philpem.me.uk/     | Tiger: Toshiba SatPro4600 Celeron700 256M

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