Date : Wed, 15 Mar 2006 15:19:55 +0000
From : Fragula <fragula@...>
Subject: Re: 1MHZ SCSI/ATA board
Hi Phil!
Phil Blundell wrote:
> Sounds like it's equivalent to the 82C284. :-}
Which for some stupid reason produces a *4MHz* clock from a 12MHz xtal
IIRC. Its all coming back to me now! There is another, better, way to do
this, but IIRC this is the "official" clock chip used in the "classic"
286 designs. (which means i might still have one or two someplace)
>>Hmmm, I'm off to the States again on Friday for a while - when I get
back I'll
>>give the chap a prod who used to own this board in Cambridge though, as he
>>thought he might just have a few related bits of design docs in his loft.
<fx: oohs and ahhs>
> Excellent. Meantime I'll try equipping mine with some RAM, plus copies
> of the ROMs from the M512 board,
Err.. Didn't somebody mutter summit about having images of the actual
286 ROMS?
> and see if I can get it to do anything.
Got a fire extinguisher handy? ;->