Date : Wed, 15 Mar 2006 14:51:35 +0000
From : Phil Blundell <philb@...>
Subject: Re: 1MHZ SCSI/ATA board
On Wed, 2006-03-15 at 14:08 +0000, Jules Richardson wrote:
> Any idea what the Intel chip next to the CPU is? I presume it's some sort of
> clock generator, but I seem to recall not being able to find a datasheet
> I was looking a few months back. 18 pin DIL, marked D82284 and 14340081.
Sounds like it's equivalent to the 82C284. :-}
See, er...
> Oh, and presumably you have an empty 40 pin socket next to the TUBE ULA?
> Memory says that's a 80287 copro socket (I think the pinouts made sense when
> I'd started to draw out schematics a while back).
Yup, I do indeed.
> Hmmm, I'm off to the States again on Friday for a while - when I get
back I'll
> give the chap a prod who used to own this board in Cambridge though, as he
> thought he might just have a few related bits of design docs in his loft.
Excellent. Meantime I'll try equipping mine with some RAM, plus copies
of the ROMs from the M512 board, and see if I can get it to do anything.