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Date   : Sun, 12 Mar 2006 01:31:56 -0000
From   : "David Hunt" <dm.hunt@...>
Subject: Re: Magazine freebies.

> >I've just been having a flick across the comp.sys.acorn.hardware
> newsgroup,
> >and came across a message regarding the old 7-inch flimsy 'singles' that
> >were occasionally given away as a covermount on magazines.
> >
> >A friend an I were discussing the same thing in the pub a week or so ago,
> >and it developed into one of 'those' arguments - I claim that these
> 'discs'
> >sometimes contained software (record the single onto a cassette, then
> load
> >it into your computer as you would do with any other item of software,
> >whereas he claims that they only ever contained stuff like interviews
> with
> >software authors or reviews of games with sound effects etc.
> >
> >Does anyone on this wonderful group ..
> >
> >a)       Even remember these things, and if so .
> >
> >b)       Settle the software -v- non-software argument for us?
> I remember it quite well, yes. Thin plastic, really floppy
> sort-of-records (single format) with the usual screeching
> noise on them. Freebies on computer mags (less bulky than
> tapes !). I can remember having bought one at some time
> or another, it was attached to one of those generic flash
> mags covering several different machines like the C64 and
> ZX Spectrum. I think mine had some Spectrum programs on it
> (I had one, alongside the beeb, for a short time, to play
> some of the cuter games).

They attracted dust very quickly, the clicks, pops, grind and rumble
(perhaps hum and poor frequency response of the deck) usually meant these
discs weren't playable after a week. I only remember the Spectrum one a mate
came around to use my Father's hideously expensive turntable to copy it onto

Dave ;)

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