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Date   : Sat, 11 Mar 2006 23:25:18 +0100
From   : John Kortink <kortink@...>
Subject: Re: Magazine freebies.

On Sat, 11 Mar 2006 22:03:14 -0000, "M J Forbes" wrote:

>I've just been having a flick across the comp.sys.acorn.hardware newsgroup,
>and came across a message regarding the old 7-inch flimsy 'singles' that
>were occasionally given away as a covermount on magazines.
>A friend an I were discussing the same thing in the pub a week or so ago,
>and it developed into one of 'those' arguments - I claim that these 'discs'
>sometimes contained software (record the single onto a cassette, then load
>it into your computer as you would do with any other item of software,
>whereas he claims that they only ever contained stuff like interviews with
>software authors or reviews of games with sound effects etc.
>Does anyone on this wonderful group ..
>a)       Even remember these things, and if so .
>b)       Settle the software -v- non-software argument for us?

I remember it quite well, yes. Thin plastic, really floppy
sort-of-records (single format) with the usual screeching
noise on them. Freebies on computer mags (less bulky than
tapes !). I can remember having bought one at some time
or another, it was attached to one of those generic flash
mags covering several different machines like the C64 and
ZX Spectrum. I think mine had some Spectrum programs on it
(I had one, alongside the beeb, for a short time, to play
some of the cuter games).

John Kortink


Email    : kortink@...         
Homepage : http://www.inter.nl.net/users/J.Kortink

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