Date : Wed, 08 Mar 2006 22:57:58 +0000 (GMT)
From : Steve Fewell <kranser@...>
Subject: Re: How do I use Advanced BASIC from Sideways RAM?
--- Jon Ripley <jon@...> wrote:
> > Thanks alot for your help
> > and for digging up the manual for me.
> No probs. I'd scan in the manual if I had a
> better/faster scanner.
It'd be nice to have a scan of the 'Advanced BASIC'
manual at some point - I don't think there's a copy on
the 'net anywhere.
> > Anyway, I've got it up and running on the latest
> beebem (WIN 311)
> > now. But only on BBC B model - as the 2nd
> processor option don't seem
> > to work on the Master model - maybe because the
> 2nd processor is only
> > 64K? But it works atleast!
> That's odd. I can only get ABASIC running on BeebEm
> with the Master and
> 65C02 co-pro. But at least it works!
It runs on both the BBCB (when abrom and hibasic are
loaded as roms) and BBC MASTER (from disk - sideways
ram version) now. Both require co-pro support to be
enabled. The BBC MASTER boots up with the '*' prompt
with co-pro enabled and not in BASIC (ROM &C) - which
is what confused me before (I guess the BASIC IV ROM
didn't like the co-pro!). But *ABASIC works fine.
I also forgot I has to wait when typing *ABASIC and
*HIBASIC while the rom is copied over the TUBE - so I
first thought it was hanging (crashed)!
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