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Date   : Wed, 08 Mar 2006 22:47:30 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Warning: Sad case on list!

Fragula wrote:
> David Hunt wrote:
>  > Hehehe, yeah *FX9 to turn off the flashing colours in mode 2, don't
> want a
>> migraine...
> Ahh. gotcha.. yes. Migrains were one of the things that drove me to PCs,
> nice big LCD monitors, much less strain on the eyes.

Not been doing the LCD thing, but I do prefer the biggest screen I can lay my 
hands on (not to mention turning the brightness down quite a bit and making 
sure I have windows open with off-white backgrounds rather than bright white)

Previous screen was a nice 21" Iiyama but it went bang the other week (anyone 
got a spare LOPT for one?), so I'm currently surviving with a 17" screen that 
flickers like hell - it's driving me insane :(

>> I've got a Master and have set TV to 255,1 in the static config, but yes, I
>> hate interlacing, gives me a ....migraine!
> Gahh.. I Hate migrains.. I get between one a month (could be the moon,
> male menopause, I dunno) and 3 a week.

Yeah, 'bout the same with me. With me it's cold, bright windy days that seem 
to make me particularly prone to them. Chocolate and oranges and the other 
things that seem to set some people off don't affect me at all...

If I get myself to a darkened room when I feel one coming on it'll pass in 
about an hour and I'm fine - if I push it then splat, and that's me wiped out 
for the next 24 hours. Bloody annoying things!

> My solution is to find a nice TFT telly that will do good monitor duty
> for BBC (RGB SCART), PC (1280x1024 NI@... min) and mebbe even a bit of
> brain-destroying tv. (the latter being optional.) Oh, and it mustn't be
> Sony. I don't buy Sony.

I only tend to do technology when it becomes old-fangled, the bugs get ironed 
out, and the cost falls through the floor because the gadget buyers have moved 
on to the next big thing :-)  Not to mention that I hate the terrible build 
quality on most modern bits of technology!


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