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Date   : Mon, 13 Feb 2006 00:37:11 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: MOS 3.20 v 3.50

David Hunt wrote:
> Regarding the 1Mbit memory ICs for the 32016 mine has 32x50256 - 256kbit x
> 1bit. I have a jumper for 1Mbit memory, alas, my ICs are soldered in. :(

Hmm, mine are socketed according to photos...

50256 chips in one, and TMS4256 chips in the other (both 256KBit * 1)

> I wonder if there is a 16 pin version of the 511000 that would fit.

I don't think there is - what with ten address lines, power, and control lines 
I think you end up needing more than 16 pins for a 1Mbit DRAM.  I didn't think 
there *was* ever a 4MB 32016 for the beeb - just the smaller boards that could 
take 1MB maximum. The 4MB boards as normally fitted to the ACW are twice
the size.

I think one jumper on the 'small' 32016 board selects whether you have 1MB of 
total memory or something else - in the 'something else' case the other jumper 
dictates what actual devices you're using.

> you, I believe the MMU would be required if you were going to run something
> like UNIX on it. The IC that fits into location IC2 might be the NS32082 MMU
> ???

Yep, we went through this on here a while back :)

> Anyone know how much a Cambridge Co-Processor is worth with all discs and
> manuals ?

Hmm, no idea. I don't think I've seen the manuals before (assuming they're 
different to the ACW ones) - as 90% of the units went to academia, the usual 
thing happens - the hardware turns up from time to time, but the software and 
docs end up lurking forgotten in a cupboard and eventually get chucked out 
amongst more general rubbish...



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