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Date   : Sun, 12 Feb 2006 23:23:52 -0000
From   : "David Hunt" <dm.hunt@...>
Subject: Re: MOS 3.20 v 3.50

> Running interpreted BASIC on both, a master Turbo would quite
> comprehensively hammer a 16MHz Compaq 286.  Once I used compiled Pascal on
> the Compaq, it won. I never had a comparable pair of compilers to make
> furthre sensible tests. The Z80 BASIC is not slow, and didn't suffer from
> page zero space, which cold nobble a recursive algorithm on the 6502.
> BAS32
> on the 32016 seemed just about as fast as the Turbo, though I never timed
> it. The advantage was the amount of space....

I did some performance tests using a bit of BBC Basic;

Master128/Turbo/Z80 2nd proc/Cambridge Co-Processor/Laptop all BBC Basic.

Simple trig. function into floating point variable

10	TIME=0
20	FOR X%=0 TO 5000
30		F=SIN(X%)
50	PRINT TIME/100;" seconds."

65C102@...	65C102@4MHz	
68.01s	33.17s

Z80A@...	32016@6MHz
38.21s	24.89s


Insert value into array

10 TIME=0
20 DIM Y%(5000)
30 FOR X%=0 TO 5000
40 Y%(X%)=X%
60 PRINT TIME/100;" seconds."

65C102@...	65C102@4MHz
4.86s		2.36s

Z80A@...	32016@6MHz
6.86s		4.12s


I have an old 386sx/20 I use for a firewall, it would be interesting to see
how that runs BBC Basic.

Regarding the 1Mbit memory ICs for the 32016 mine has 32x50256 - 256kbit x
1bit. I have a jumper for 1Mbit memory, alas, my ICs are soldered in. :(

I wonder if there is a 16 pin version of the 511000 that would fit. Mind
you, I believe the MMU would be required if you were going to run something
like UNIX on it. The IC that fits into location IC2 might be the NS32082 MMU

Anyone know how much a Cambridge Co-Processor is worth with all discs and
manuals ?

Dave ;)

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