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Date   : Wed, 19 Oct 2005 18:07:28 +0100
From   : "Matthew Fullerton" <mf131@...>
Subject: BBC TCP/IP

Well, I'm almost there. I have my sideways RAM, JGH's ROM of Phil
Blundell's TCP/IP/Telnet asm is loaded. I have set an IP address of on the BBC. The econet station address is 90. I know the
econet works. It is connected to an A3000 (DCI2) which has econet IP, econet station number 89. It is configured to be a gateway,
so should be forwarding packets to and from its ethernet interface,
which has address This is in turn connected to a box running
a telnet server on This is the router, and is configured to
route anything destined for 10.0.1.X to

I can reach the A3000's econet interface from any of the 10.0.0.x
computers, so the machine is forwarding. I have an R260 with econet, but
it is on DCI4, so I don't think it can be expected to reach the A3000
over econet. It can reach it over ethernet, but that is beside the

On the BBC, I cannot Telnet to I am doing the following:

I get a neverending "Trying..."

I can't PING the BBC, but I'm guessing thats not meant to work.

If someone knows of a telnet server that will run on an A3000, this may
help see if it can reach anything, but I don't know what is wrong, and
any help would be appreciated. I feel like I'm getting close now.


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