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Date   : Wed, 19 Oct 2005 17:36:08 +0100
From   : Jeff Gaines <jeff@...>
Subject: Dual Floppies On A Master

Hello Group,

  I have spent some time today playing fit a floppy to a Master, it's
  MOS 3.2, ADFS 1.5, DFS 2.24 with the 1770 controller.

  There's no problem with one floppy but when it comes to 2 the
  possible combinations grow a bit. I am using a standard PC cable
  with a twist in the end.

  I bought 2 new floppy drives from PC World as I want to move stuff
  between the PC and Master, I was hoping that buying 2 together would
  give me a chance of the heads being fairly closely aligned, they are
  Sony MPF 920 drives, probably not good new as I can't find a visible
  switch or jumper to change their identity. In addition I have an ex
  Amiga Cumana drive, which says Citizen inside, that has jumpers but
  no writing to indicate positions. I also have a third drive from a
  PC which has a switch to flip it between 1 and 2 and, if all else
  fails, there is another one I could remove from a PC but I don't
  know its make.

  What I have at the moment after some trial and error is the Cumana
  on the end of the cable and the Sony on the middle connector. *CAT 0
  and *CAT 2 give the expected results, the Cumana spins up. *CAT 1
  and *CAT3 give interesting results, both drives spin  up! In fact I
  formatted a floppy in the Sony and found that the Master had
  formatted 2 floppy disks at the same time, very clever :-)

  Am I going about this the right way? Do I need to untwist the floppy
  cable to connect 2 drives? I have Googled for the Cumana jumper set
  up with no success so far.

  If I do need to untwist the cable then I need to do that before I
  experiment any further. I did have a further drive, ex Amiga Sony
  MPF 920-1 but sadly it expired in the course of the experiment, RIP.

Jeff Gaines
Damerham Hampshire UK

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