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Date   : Thu, 28 Jul 2005 13:36:56 +0100
From   : "Colin" <cwhill@...>
Subject: Re: MP3 BBC tapes

My apologies Richard. After all the debate I hit the "reply" button
I meant to send this to the list.

I can see an advantage of having the actual sounds on MP3 for the purpose
of storage (in that the disc would last longer than a tape, tapes break etc)
and that those files could be re-recorded onto a tape for loading into the
BBC (not talking emulators here, just a stand-alone BBC Micro).
I don't have a working Beeb at the moment but it should be a simple thing to
record to PC, burn to disk (as MP3 data files rather than audio although it
wouldn't take many CDs to burn them as standard audio) and then copy to tape
(never tried copying data to tape of course). I suppose it wouldn't take up
that much room in WAV form either really but it would be interesting to know
if the MP3 format would actually work. Any way of preserving the original
aspects of the Beeb (including tape input) would be worth while.
I must have a try.I always like to keep important stuff in more than one
place - just in case.
Colin Hill

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richard Kilpatrick" <oldcomputers@...>
To: <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] MP3 BBC tapes

> On 28 Jul 2005, at 12:06, Joe N wrote:
> > What would be the advantage of having them in MP3 format? It sounds
> > like an interesting idea but wouldn't it be better to write a sound
> > modulator for UEF files? Or perhaps such a thing already exists. I
> > imagine that storing just the sound of the tape would be of
> > questionable merit.
> I found a PC application  which converts Sharp MZ80K files into a WAV
> file - it works; I then take the WAV, record to tape and play in the
> MZ and have had success; only the unreliable state of my MZ causes
> problems!
> Richard
> -- 
> Tasty Other - Because Far Too Much in Life Makes Sense
> Music for download - coming soon (RIP MP3.com)
> G.A.S. http://www.dmc12.demon.co.uk/music/
> Platform: PowerMac G5 2.0GHz Dual, 20" LCD, Logic, Hammerfall.

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