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Date   : Thu, 28 Jul 2005 12:33:41 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Econet-Ethernet bridge

On Thu, 2005-07-28 at 13:15 +0100, Rob wrote:
> At 11:35 28/07/2005, Jules Richardson wrote:
> > > And additional hardware for clocking the 68B54 from the clock remote
> > > signals, and sensing clock presence (nDCD input), and contention logic
> > > (nCTS input), and the line drivers of course.
> there's not much needed for these, and they can be cribbed from the BBC 
> circuits of course.

Just a question of how many I/O lines would be needed on a parallel port
and how many are actually available!

> >This is starting to look less and less possible without additional
> >hardware - I'm starting to see why the rumour is that Acorn's VAX Econet
> >interface was actually a BBC doing the network processing and hooked up
> >to the VAX by a different interface!
> Has anybody got the circuit for Acorn's Econet-Econet Bridge (one on ebay 
> at the moment) - what's in there, and how does that manage it?

I've got the hardware; if nothing else I could grab some photos
(probably not until tomorrow). I seem to remember it's a 6502-based
board in there, just with two lots of Econet interface circuitry.
Actually I need to photograph it anyway and back up the ROMs, so it's a
good excuse...

I'm pretty sure I don't have the schematic though. (it'd be useful to
have a copy if anyone does have it)



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