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Date   : Fri, 08 Jul 2005 14:01:01 +0100
From   : Jon Ripley <jon@...>
Subject: Re: 3.5" disc drives

themicrouser@... wrote:
> How do you use a 3.5" disc drive with a BBC?

Plug one in and turn the BBC on.

AKA The same way that you use any other disk drive with a BBC, the BBC
doesn't know and doesn't care what type of floppy drive is connected.

> I never had one when I originally got into the BBC Micro and have not
> seen any articles on it.

There's not much to say really. All the following should be available
from any computer type shop.

Buy a 3.5" disk drive. Standard off-the-shelf high-density drives are
probably the easiest and cheapest to get.

Make sure you have the appropriate data cable. Any standard floppy drive
cable will do. It is best to get one with a twist since most modern
floppy drives have no drive select link.

Make sure you have an appropriate power connector, you can buy adapters
with the approptiate power connector on.

Buy some double-density disks. If you can't get hold of any you can use
high-density disks if the HDD hole has been covered with tape. Using
high-density disks formatted to double or single density will work but
is not recommended and your mileage may vary.

Connect everything, power it all up and use it.

> Does it need to be a particular disc controller or version of DFS?

If you already have a drive controller and a disk filing system then
just plug it in and use it.

If your BBC doesn't have a disk filing system or a drive controller then
you will need to fit one of each.

Jon Ripley


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