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Date   : Fri, 08 Jul 2005 13:45:52 +0100
From   : Richard Gellman <splodge@...>
Subject: Re: Compressed Model B

Sprow wrote:

>In article <050707215502@...>,
>   Jonathan Graham Harston <jgh@...> wrote:
>>>the phrase "Repton won't run on this" springs instantly to mind. Nice
>>>little device though.
>>[...] and as it doesn't have an
>>internal data-bus matrix keyboard you won't ke able to control
>>what you can't see.
>The PS/2 driver does emulate the matrix keyboard though, so if you ask about
>internal key numbers or scan the matrix (etc) via OSByte it'll give you a
>valid answer.
>Trying to peek and poke the key matrix through the system via wont do
>anything useful though as you say,
Really, when I looked at the webpage I did just skim it, so I can't 
authoritatively comment on capabilities :)

I want to try and make the system as compatible as possible, right down 
to the keyboard matrix, graphic display output etc. I have no idea if 
the minibeeb could be modified/added to to achieve this, but even so, it 
would lessen the challenge of constructing a full bbc micro (less one or 
two antiquated *cough*cassette*cough* interfaces...).

So I'll be working reasonably closely to the original circuit diagram, 
possible upgrading it to a Master 128-spec system later on (this would 
be better, as the model-b version of Vertigo is pants in comparison to 
the Master edition :) ).

-- Richard Gellman

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