Date : Wed, 29 Jun 2005 13:17:14 +0100
From : "Colin" <cwhill@...>
Subject: Re: Off Topic trader warning
Yup that's right. You can't issue a cheque in Euros from a UK sterling bank
account. It will almost certainly "bounce" in the sense that the UK bank
would not honour it (if the clerk knows what he/she is doing). Cheques drawn
on normal UK banks (ie normal cheque accounts) have to be expressed in
sterling only. This comes from 24 years of me working in the banking sector
and I have had to do the same with dozens of cheques that had,
half-heartedly, been accepted by banks in Europe and elsewhere. This was the
tip of the iceberg as most of them were refused when trying to be deposited
abroad. I don't think that applies to the Euro countries now (that was one
of the reasons for the standardised currency)but don't take my word for that
as I retired a few years before the Euro came in and it may not be in force
yet. Certainly the Euro is still regarded as a foreign currency in the UK
Renegotiate and find an alternative payment method. A foreign draft will
cost around £15-£30 in bank charges though!
Talk to your bank about alternative (and cheaper) payment methods and all
should be well.
Colin Hill
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Usher" <mu.list@...>
To: "'Raf'" <rafg1@...>; <>
Cc: "'Greg Cook'" <debounce@...>
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 8:28 AM
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Off Topic trader warning
> "The customer is always right" - sorry, that's in America, not so much in
> Europe.
> He probably wanted it in Euros to prevent being stung for excessive
> conversion charges that the banks do charge.
> The cheque probably wasn't valid from a personal account just being
> out in Euros and hence bounced. But, hey. If the cheque bounced, then you
> have not been charged or lost any money, and he hasn't sent the item yet.
> Simply renegotiate the payment. In a perfect world, international payments
> would be much more straightforward - and PayPal goes a long way to help
> banks shortcomings, but the world isn't perfect and we all make mistakes.
> Sometimes we have to just accept them and do our best to overcome.
> Solutions can usually be found with dialogue, and often much easier than
> expected.
> Sorry all, just my two penneth. Too many years of international banking
> eBaying. I really should get out more.....
> Mark