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Date   : Wed, 29 Jun 2005 13:13:40 +0200
From   : John Kortink <kortink@...>
Subject: Re: Off Topic trader warning

On Wed, 29 Jun 2005 09:28:42 +0200, "Mark Usher" wrote:

>"The customer is always right" - sorry, that's in America, not so much
>He probably wanted it in Euros to prevent being stung for excessive
>conversion charges that the banks do charge.
>The cheque probably wasn't valid from a personal account just being
>out in Euros and hence bounced. But, hey. If the cheque bounced, then
>have not been charged or lost any money, and he hasn't sent the item
>Simply renegotiate the payment. In a perfect world, international
>would be much more straightforward - and PayPal goes a long way to help
>banks shortcomings, but the world isn't perfect and we all make
>Sometimes we have to just accept them and do our best to overcome.  
>Solutions can usually be found with dialogue, and often much easier than
>Sorry all, just my two penneth. Too many years of international banking
>eBaying. I really should get out more.....

May I interject at this stage, since Raf is talking
about me and, inspired by past frustrations, clearly
tries to pull a fast one, and (prospective) suppliers
of goods may learn something from this.

He was the one insisting on sending a cheque, while
I insisted (quite adamantly) on PayPal (which he'd
used before). We agree on a personal cheque made out
in Euro. He does not say : no can do in my country,
John, but chooses to cross out AU$ and put 'Euro'
on the cheque, and sends it to me. It bounces. Of
course, that's my fault, not his. Note the sarcasm.
He then insists he sends me another (bank) cheque.
I say 'no' in no uncertain terms. He then proceeds
to 'pay' me by sending back one of my products (he
bought two initially), since he refuses to pay me
any other way. I reluctantly accept, even though I
can't resell it for obvious reasons.

Beware of this person. His mind, much like that of
a few others on this list, works in truly warped
ways. I know of two others who have been similarly

Good luck Jonathan, /you'll need it/.

John Kortink


Email    : kortink@...         
Homepage : http://www.inter.nl.net/users/J.Kortink

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