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Date   : Mon, 09 May 2005 21:28:09 +0100
From   : Ian K <BBCmail@...>
Subject: Re: IDE Interface for BBC

In article <427EC106.1CFBAE39@...>,
   W.Scholten <whs@...> wrote:
> Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:

> > What do you mean by "easy implementation"?

> Anything with source can easily be modified obviously, like HADFS.
> Patching any existing E00 DFS is not of interest (they are too limited).

> And if need be I'll write my own. That's not too difficult (I use as6502
> for large code on a PC, e.g. the ROM/program side of bbccom
> (parallel+serial transfer/filing system))

> > The IDE interface is just that - an IDE interface, a specification and
> > set of suggested complying interfaces. Anybody is welcome to use the
> > design in their own board. I set off to design a working IDE interface,
> > not to jump six or seven steps and try a design an integrated multiple
> > interface board without first getting the IDE interface itself working.

> Obviously that's why I suggest it now that it's working.

> It's a trivial design change to add the RAM but I've got no experience
> making PCBs, I've only used wire wrapping/experimenting boards etc. so
> it would take a while to get into it and it would 'compete'. A one-off
> is not an option cost wise I think, at least when sending designs to
> firms who make them. Getting the etching equipment also seems over the
> top although I was thinking about copying some projects that were once
> in the micro user, esp. the user port extender. I've got a few roms that
> were patched for this, and I've got a number of items I'd like to
> connect to the user port at the same time (bbccom parallel cable, eprom
> programmer, sometimes a mouse). Is there any interest in this sort of
> thing?

Making basic PCB's isn't that difficult provided you don't need multi
lair. You can just about manage it with a tray of ferric chloride and a
sunny day, although a UV box is better. If you want to know more please
email me.

Ian K

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