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Date   : Mon, 09 May 2005 18:40:08 +0100
From   : Sprow <info@...>
Subject: Re: IDE Interface for BBC

In article <427EC106.1CFBAE39@...>,
   W.Scholten <whs@...> wrote:


> > The IDE interface is just that - an IDE interface, a specification and
> > set of suggested complying interfaces. Anybody is welcome to use the
> > design in their own board. I set off to design a working IDE interface,
> > not to jump six or seven steps and try a design an integrated multiple
> > interface board without first getting the IDE interface itself working.
> Obviously that's why I suggest it now that it's working.
> It's a trivial design change to add the RAM but I've got no experience
> making PCBs, I've only used wire wrapping/experimenting boards etc. so
> it would take a while to get into it and it would 'compete'. 

I think Wouter you may have missed the design decision boat a little - I
suggested on 9th Jan 2004 that a block of SRAM could come in handy:
but due to space constraints on the IDE PCB conflicting with the desire to
use DIL parts there's no SRAM. 

I'd suggest a half way compromise which doesn't load the base cost for most
users would be to use a RAM disc for buffers.


which handily plugs into the 1MHz bus anyway. If you don't have RAMFS loaded
then you can use the 8Mbytes of RAM for whatever you want, alternatively I
can add a call to allow you to "set aside" a pseudo file on the RAM disc to
use as IDE workspace.


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