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Date   : Mon, 31 Jan 2005 13:08:59 +0100
From   : John Kortink <kortink@...>
Subject: Re: The importance of GoMMC

On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 02:59:52 -0000, Peter Edwards wrote:


I must say I don't understand what the fuss is about.

If anyone want things to happen with GoMMC, buy one (or
two ;-) and make the suggestions. It's unlikely to happen
any other way. Because, indeed, GoMMC is and will remain
(even with sales now exceeding 50) a hobby project, a
labour of love, sparked by my own requirements and some
of others, insofar as I find them interesting enough to

It's all about finished as well, as far as I'm concerned.
It does the job of 'taking over' all floppy as well as
harddisc based functionality. 100%. Basically, that's it.

I will not release relevant material needed to produce or
'continue' development to anyone. Kudos to those that do.
I don't.

So, indeed, 'get em while they're hot' and spread the word.
It's the best contribution you can make. And you'll get to
make suggestions as well !

>appreciate the contribution, or any other charity.  If it really must be
>beeb related, perhaps a contribution to Dave Moore's long suffering
>to comb ebay for those items still missing from the stairwaytohell.com
>archive would be a good choice - I imagine that's a continual long-term

Yes, by all means sponsor Dave Moore as well. He's doing a
great job 'getting it all together in one place'.

>Long may John's contributions to the BBC micro community continue!

I do have at least one other idea up my sleeve (some people
already know about it ...).

>When we rise The Micro User from its ashes, you'll be one of the
>first to get a double-spread.  :)

Sounds quite attractive.

>P.S.  I'll also certainly be adding Jason Watton to my buy-a-beer list.
>OmniFlop, for reading/writing beeb diskettes from Windows XP, is also a
>really cool development!


John Kortink


Email    : kortink@...         
Homepage : http://www.inter.nl.net/users/J.Kortink

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