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Date   : Mon, 31 Jan 2005 02:59:52 -0000
From   : "Peter Edwards" <samwise@...>
Subject: Re: The importance of GoMMC

> --- Raf <rafg1@...> wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > 
> > I often wonder if we truly realise how lucky we are to have John
> > Kortink
> > developing GoMMC for us, making a great leap for us all to more
> > modern
> > computing.
> > 
> > I believe that we all should support him in some concrete way, so as
> > to 
> > enable
> > him to develop GoMMC to its Maximum capacity, with some degree of
> > ease.
> > 
> > Yesterday, I donated a bank cheque for 150.00 Euros to him (as well
> > as a
> > little gift). Give what you can afford, or whatever he may need.
> > 
> > If we all helped, I believe that we would enable him to develop a
> > better
> > product. I know it's just a hobby - but boy what a hobby! At the
> > level of 
> > version 0.62
> > it is incredibly good. Try it if you have not already done 
> so and you
> > will 
> > see why I am so impressed.
> > 
> > 
> >  Best wishes, Raf  Giaccio

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...] 
> On Behalf Of F. Haroon
> Sent: 30 January 2005 22:27
> To: bbc-micro@...
> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Re: The importance of GoMMC
> That's great, we could do this.  But will he appreciate it?  He just
> purged half the members from his mailing list whom were potential
> customers like myself.  I may not be a customer already but I'd still
> like to know what goes on in the GoMMC scene before I come to 
> order it.
>  We have to be part of it to then contribute.
> Fiaz.

Hi, all.

I apologise in advance if anyone thinks this is nothing to do with me or
this contribution makes things worse - it is certainly not my intention to
do so.  However, from a simple laymans, outside, point of view, I'm looking
at this thread and really hoping it isn't another going to start up Yet
Another thread thrashing the dead horse which consists of John's plans for
the future of GoMMC.

I honestly believe that the two views expressed here are both extreme ends
of the same spectrum and what's needed is a balance between the two, to keep
things in an appropriate sense of proportion.

I'm sure John'll correct me if I'm wrong but it seems pretty clear that this
was a labour of love on a project which noone would really expect to have a
viable economic future.  I think it's fair to say that the main reasons for
John embarking on it would probably be something like:

a) because it would be of use to John
b) to prove to himself (and the rest of us) that it was possible
and c) to gain the kudos and respect that goes with such a cool development
.... :)

Fiaz, there is absolutely no reason to expect John to open up his schematics
or ROM patches, at any point.  John has obviously poured a lot of his own
time, resources and cash into the development and it's entirely
understandable that he doesn't want others to take over the distribution of
it.  ebay is flooded with similar projects which have fallen into the hands
of those who are happy to charge an extortionate amount for someone else's
work.  He has also stated that he'll continue to support the kits for the
immediate future, which could be for a very long period for all we (and
maybe he) can guess - he simply does not wish to commit to any particular
end of life date.  Get 'em while they're hot, as it were.  It may be that
had you produced such a device, you may have opened everything up - that is
your choice and, as we would respect yours, you must also respect John's
decision not to.  I think it's unfortunate that you keep returning to this
topic because it is that kind of hassling which is likely to dissuade John
from continued development and basically stop making it fun for him.

On the other hand, I'm not sure setting up what amounts to a GoMMC charity
fund is really appropriate either.  John undertook the development of this
project fully aware of its limited commercial potential and chose to do so
anyway.  It's clear he has received the respect and undying admiration of
the beeb community, especially from those who have purchased a kit.  I would
suggest that paying him what he has asked for (and maybe enough extra for a
beer supplement on top) sent with a kind note expressing your gratitude is
what's mainly called for.  If you truly hold the kit that high in esteem,
spread the word - however you can - on the net and through friends, and drum
up some more sales.  I expect its as much public demand as it is wads of
money that would encourage John to develop even further - if he was just
doing it for the cash, he picked a very bizarre project!  If you have a
burning hole in your pocket, I'm sure the recent victims of tsunami would
appreciate the contribution, or any other charity.  If it really must be
beeb related, perhaps a contribution to Dave Moore's long suffering efforts
to comb ebay for those items still missing from the stairwaytohell.com
archive would be a good choice - I imagine that's a continual long-term

Anyway, on a personal note - although I haven't a strong need for GoMMC
myself, I can imagine what went into creating GoMMC and John has certainly
earned his stripes in my eyes - I think this will especially benefit those
other guys we rely on who continue to tirelessly archive the software scene.
Long may John's contributions to the BBC micro community continue!  When we
rise The Micro User from its ashes, you'll be one of the first to get a
double-spread.  :)

That's my 2p's worth - if anyone wants to continue to argue about it, I'd
suggest taking it off this list because I imagine it's going to do nothing
but hasten the hour when John decides he's had enough of us 80s nerds and
buys himself a Gamecube to fill up his spare time instead!

The Mad Hatter said it best, in my opinion: "You pays yer money and you
takes yer choice",


P.S.  I'll also certainly be adding Jason Watton to my buy-a-beer list.
OmniFlop, for reading/writing beeb diskettes from Windows XP, is also a
really cool development!

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