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Date   : Wed, 08 Sep 2004 17:37:26 +0100 (BST)
From   : Andrew W <a.weston2@...>
Subject: Re: <OFF Topic> RiscOS buying suggestions needed.

In <URL:news:local.misc> on Wed 08 Sep, vic800r@... wrote:
> I decided to buy a RiscOS machine. I have never seen one in the real life.
> I checked with many sources explaining the hardware and compatibility issues.
> But I am still a little bit confused. That is why I decided to ask you guys
> who have a lot of experience with RiscOS hardware/software and probably own
> the RiscOS machines yourself.
There's a vast amount of knowledge on the Acorn newsgroups although
they can get very petty at times.
> Here are the questions:
> -Strong Arm RiscPC (Acorn built). Does it have the same motherboard as
>  RiscPC700 with ARM710 and the only difference is the processor card?
I think so although SARPCs come with RO 3.7 and later (the final) ones
were manufacturer by Castle with RO 4 and can be upgraded with a fast
memory access Kinetic card.

> -Kinetic RiscPC. Does it have just different processor card (from Castle)
>  and again the same Acorn Motherboard?
I think so.

> -How many different versions of motherboard/processor card were produced.
> -What other builds you can recommend as reliable and well compatible RiscOS
>  computer. What are the differences from Acorn built machines.
I think Omega have released a machine which they hope to put much
faster processors in soon. Also RiscStation have released some RISC OS
machines. There's quite a few money-spinning 'virtual' machines which
run a RISC OS emulator on PC hardware which personally I would touch
with a bargepole ;-)

> -What is the fastest processor speed for StrongARM compatible with RiscOS4
300MHz, a one-off batch of Kinetics that Castle produced.
APDL used to offer a service to raise the clock speed.
> -Which machine should I buy for best compatibility with the current software.
StrongARM RiscPCs with RO 3.7 are probably the best at the moment for
getting MOST 32bit/RISC OS software to run. You can use A310em
(freeware) to run non-compatible software. RISC OS 4 caused quite a few
problems for games otherwise that version should be fine as well.

However, the Iyonix by Castle (RISC OS 5, Xscale processor - the only
true current successor to the BBC) is becoming more compatible thanks
to the Aemulor program which is aiming to make software as far back as
1991 compatible with the Iyonix's much-updated hardware in addition to
 any RISC OS 4/StrongARM software.
 I think that's where the future lies for Acorn-legacy hardware, in
 Castle and the Iyonix. Like a lot of people I'm hoping to get one
 eventually although my StrongARM RiscPC is still fine for most things
 and can be upgraded with the Kinetic (now discontinued though I think)
 and viewfinder graphics card. It's a fantastic machine and I hope the
 Iyonix lives up to it.
Also A310em is being converted for the Iyonix at the moment.

> -Can I run old software titles from A3000 Archimedes on StrongARM computer
>  with no problems?
The main compatibility issues are the StrongARM processor and RISC OS
4. RISC OS 2 to 3 caused a few but most software houses catered for
that. A310em mentioned above aims to emulate Arthur (the prototype for
RISC OS), RISC OS 2 and RISC OS 3.1.

> Overall:
> What do you think is my best choice?
If you have the money, Iyonix and Aemulor (100 UKP). RiscPCs are great
and expandable but you'll get more future from an Iyonix.
Also Beebit the BBC emulator will run on the Iyonix. 6502 might be
updated in the near future.

> May be I do not even need the Acorn machine and I can buy one of the clones 
> which is probably better?
No, no, no, no! ;-))
> Whatever you suggest would be very much appreciated.
I'm certainly not as technical minded as many in the RISC OS world but
any help I'd be glad to give.


Staffordshire, Great Britain. 

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