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Date   : Wed, 08 Sep 2004 16:56:57 +0100
From   : Wookie <wooky@...>
Subject: Re: <OFF Topic> RiscOS buying suggestions needed.

In message <23517.532580772.1094632203.keptprivate@...>
          <vic800r@...> wrote:

> Hello,
> I decided to buy a RiscOS machine. I have never seen one in the real life.
> I checked with many sources explaining the hardware and compatibility issues.
> But I am still a little bit confused. That is why I decided to ask you guys
> who have a lot of experience with RiscOS hardware/software and probably own
> the RiscOS machines yourself.
> Here are the questions:
> -Strong Arm RiscPC (Acorn built). Does it have the same motherboard as
>  RiscPC700 with ARM710 and the only difference is the processor card?

Yes, basically the same motherboard, can use Arm610, Arm710, StrongArm
or Kinetic processors.

Try to get a motherboard with 16bit sound the early 600 series only had
8bit, but could be upgraded with the right addon.

> -Kinetic RiscPC. Does it have just different processor card (from Castle)
>  and again the same Acorn Motherboard?

Kinetic is just a StrongArm processor card with ram on board rather than
using the motherboards memory, it is faster but you do loose DMA because
the ram isn't where it's supposed to be.

> -How many different versions of motherboard/processor card were produced.
> -What other builds you can recommend as reliable and well compatible RiscOS
>  computer. What are the differences from Acorn built machines.
> -What is the fastest processor speed for StrongARM compatible with RiscOS4

Most SA processors overclock to 287Mhz (with cooling) but normally 202
or 233 Mhz, it doesn't make that much difference since the main bus is
only 16Mhz and that is more of the limiting factor.

> -Which machine should I buy for best compatibility with the current software.
> -Can I run old software titles from A3000 Archimedes on StrongARM computer
>  with no problems?

Most software excluding games will run just fine, a lot of stuff that
had problems with the SA has been patched or recompiled.

> Overall: What do you think is my best choice?
> May be I do not even need the Acorn machine and I can buy one of the clones 
> which is probably better?
> Whatever you suggest would be very much appreciated.
> Thank you
> Regards
> Victor.

Cheers Wookie.

Reply to Wooky at wooky dot plus dot com

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