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Date   : Fri, 20 Aug 2004 11:06:50 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Domesday Parts (Was: Domesday SCSI)

On Fri, 2004-08-20 at 09:30, Darren Grant wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who has contacted me.
> I now have a dump of the VFS ROM and a Schematic of the SCSI interface. So I
> will have a go at building a SCSI interface. If I manage to get that working
> I will make PCB layouts etc available for others to download and build their
> own.

Wouldn't mind a copy of the schematic, assuming it hasn't been uploaded
to somewhere already.

(Does anyone know if schematics for the Master Turbo's coprocessor exist
anywhere by the way?)

> I am still looking for an original SCSI interface if anyone comes across one
> even a dead one, as It would be easier to build one with an original on hand
> to copy.

I could probably scan mine and email you the scans sometime (seriously,
I find dumping boards on the scanner works quite well for
reverse-engineering stuff)

I really need to dismantle it and get some photos sometime anyway.

> I have had a kind offer of an LVD player but no idea of its condition and it
> will be several months before it can be collected due to the owner being in
> a different location to the player. As the players are delicate I would
> still love to hear from anyone who has one, working or not. I suspect that I
> will need to pick up a couple of faulty players and combine them in to one
> working unit due the their age and condition.

Dry joints seem to be the most likely problems with the players - the
solder quality's awful. I've seen two different releases of the player;
one has lots of extra components bodged onto the underside of boards
etc. (but both still suffer from poor quality)

I'll try and get the service manual scanned sometime soon...

Oh, and do be aware that the players only do the video overlay on the
RGB output and not the CVBS output - that's caught me out in the past.



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