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Date   : Fri, 20 Aug 2004 10:30:44 +0100
From   : Darren Grant <darren.grant@...>
Subject: Re: Domesday Parts (Was: Domesday SCSI)

Thanks to everyone who has contacted me.

I now have a dump of the VFS ROM and a Schematic of the SCSI interface. So I
will have a go at building a SCSI interface. If I manage to get that working
I will make PCB layouts etc available for others to download and build their

I am still looking for an original SCSI interface if anyone comes across one
even a dead one, as It would be easier to build one with an original on hand
to copy.

I have had a kind offer of an LVD player but no idea of its condition and it
will be several months before it can be collected due to the owner being in
a different location to the player. As the players are delicate I would
still love to hear from anyone who has one, working or not. I suspect that I
will need to pick up a couple of faulty players and combine them in to one
working unit due the their age and condition.

Once again thanks to all who have helped so far and I look forward to
hearing from anyone who can help me complete the set-up.


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