Date : Fri, 25 Jun 2004 13:50:43 +0100
From : Tom Seddon <tom@...>
Subject: Re: PC/Econet
On 25 Jun 2004 09:28 , jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston) sent:
>> Message-ID: 1087743020.7787.15.camel@...>
>Jules Richardson julesrichardsonuk@...> wrote:
>> to the sender. Also fair enough. If I do 'reply to list' though the
>> message goes to both the list *and* the sender. No idea why that doesn't
>> work for the BBC list as expected, but works on other mailing lists...
>Broken headers. I've had to put a horrendous kludge in my mail debatching
>software to deal specifically with the BBC mailing list. It's not quite as
>bad as IF list$="BBC Micro" THEN... but almost.
This has cropped up a few times on other mailing lists I'm on. It turns
out that
the problem is not the headers being broken... the problem is that you are
broken :)
Here are two opposing views:
Personally I'm not bothered either way, but I don't buy the pro argument. I've
just got used to editing the reply address.