Date : Fri, 25 Jun 2004 09:28:46 +0100
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: The ongoing question of display ratios
> Message-ID: <1087999136018745@...>
"Thomas Harte " <thomasharte@...> wrote:
> "I ran the program on my Acorn Electron.The measurements you were after is
> 34.5cm across and 30cm high (approx). Your proposed ratio seems spot on."
> The program to which he refers is:
> 10 MODE 4 // 20 DRAW 1279, 0 // 30 DRAW 1279, 1023 // 40 DRAW 0,0
I've just run that on my Master 128 and it gives 212mm x 170mm. That's a
pixel aspect of 1:0.9976, or 12.9694/13 times as wide as tall.
In other words, square!
> My propsed pixel ratio is 12/13 times as wide as tall.
J.G.Harston - jgh@... -
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