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Date   : Sun, 20 Jun 2004 15:42:39 +0100
From   : "Peter Edwards" <samwise@...>
Subject: Re: Fragmented Emulators was RE: BeebEm under Linux? (or any BBC emulator under Linux? :-)

> But when you've done the interesting code - getting the 
> emulators video 
> RAM to display, and the sound code, and reading the controllers - one 
> does tend to lose interest. I was suddenly left with the 
> boring job of 
> front-end, an interface for controller remapping, picking 
> disk images, 
> and so on - and thats when you get bored and do something else.
> Cheers,
> Kris.

Yep, but I think that's the original point I was trying to make.  If there
were a standard, unified emulator the beeb community got behind, it would
only be necessary to implement the dull stuff once.  I should imagine it
wouldn't take too long to get the main emulator out there, given the number
of emulators out there currently, and then that would leave it open for ppl
to look at coding the more unusual/interesting stuff on top of it ... and
the MESS thing would bring about ports to loads of other OS's, including
stuff like ports to the GP32 - I'd love to be able to carry around a BBC in
my pocket and play Elite in the supermarket queue!  :)


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