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Date   : Fri, 18 Jun 2004 20:37:39 +0100
From   : "Dr. David Alan Gilbert" <beeb@...>
Subject: Re: Fragmented Emulators was RE: BeebEm under Linux? (or any BBC emulator under Linux? :-)

* Jules Richardson (julesrichardsonuk@...) wrote:
> The fact that BeebEm regards itself as cross-platform implies that the
> code was designed from the ground up to be portable to different
> environments too, with only (I assume) changes in I/O devices for
> display, sound, keyboard etc.

That is probably over stating the case somewhat! I originally wrote it
for Unix and then a friend (Nigel Magnay) did the port to Windows.
I had managed to keep the display code pretty separate;
but I hadn't actually written it with the intent of portablity to other
platforms.  I had made sure at the time it would compile and run on
every Unix that I could find.

As for keeping things up to date; well in my case I originally wrote it
when I was a post grad and, as I remember, released it just as I started
'real life' work; once it ran Elite to be honest I did very little
on it (and moved onto ArcEm).  Mike Wyatt kept it going for quite
a while (especially on Windows) Richard Gellmann also did
what appears to be a hell of a lot of work on it - including by
the looks of it adding Master128 support.

Patrick Kaells page holds the latest Unix version I know
of: http://www.kayoon.net/kaell/beebem/
To be honest I don't know who the last person to work on it was -
probably Patrick on the Unix side and Richard on the Windows side.

I don't know how big a job merging all of Richards work back to Unix
would be - but it can't be *that* hard.

(The last version I saw running incidentally was the BBC Domesday
emulator system (which I think Richard helped on) - that was Windwos
based - and was very impressive to see at the press/announcement day).


 -----Open up your eyes, open up your mind, open up your code -------   
/ Dr. David Alan Gilbert    | Running GNU/Linux on Alpha,68K| Happy  \ 
\ gro.gilbert @ treblig.org | MIPS,x86,ARM,SPARC,PPC & HPPA | In Hex /
 \ _________________________|_____ http://www.treblig.org   |_______/

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