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Date   : Tue, 27 Apr 2004 15:03:28 +0000
From   : "W.Scholten" <whs@...>
Subject: Re: crazy bids being placed on Beeb auction

Edward Scissorhands (RK) wrote:
> On 24 Apr 2004, at 20:20, W.Scholten wrote:
> > It's interesting to note that many 'collectors' in NL are complaining
> > about ebay prices and not willing to pay much, often stretched to the
> > ridiculous. If someone has a large stack of very good condition mags
> > for
> > example, you won't get anything for them in NL. If they're not free,
> I think that's quite similar to the case here.

It depends. The very early issues of MU & AU fetch reasonable prices on
ebay for exampe, the rest doesn't, but most likely because these mags
are abundant! In NL you're hard pressed to find *any* early Acorn mags.
I spent 2 years of searching before I got MUs and AUs from 1984 for
example. And a whole bunch extremely rare HCC magazines from 1977 found
no takers. I just spotted the ad otherwise they would have gone to
recycling! So, it seems almost noone else is willing to spend money on
them here. And those people who *are* interested here, don't all have
those mage, the software, hardware etc, they just don't want to pay. I
could give more information on this, if you really want...

It's not just mags as I said, this goes for everything.

And Jeremy (Hoe gaat het ermee, Jermey?) wrote:

> Software-wise, nowhere is this better illustrated than with the Acornsoft
> titles. There can't be many BBC enthusiasts without a working version - be
> it original or copy - of, say, Snapper or Monsters; but as for an original
> still shrink-wrapped? Another story entirely. Completely intact versions of
> Elite, novella, flight books and all, don't tend to go cheaply either.

I have shrink wrapped tape versions of:
 - Snapper
 - Monsters
 - Planetoid
 - Elite
 - Jars (educational, but still)
 - Tree of knowledge (ditto)
 - ROM package DUMPOUT 3, not in a box: manual + ROM on antistaic foam
in a sealed plastic bag. Seems original, because it came directly from a
 - BCPL ROM standalone package. I need to open it though as I promised
someone a disc image (still haven't got round to it, aargh!), and I want
to try it out myself.

I don't like it! In fact, I was very disappointed when I got some of
these a year or 2 ago, because I couldn't use them...

And as I really don't like collecting, I'm going to sell most of them.



BBC/atom/old magazine scans etc:

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