Date : Mon, 26 Apr 2004 20:56:48 +0100
From : "Jeremy Grayson" <jeremy.grayson@...>
Subject: Re: crazy bids being placed on Beeb auction
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Colin" <cwhill@...>
>Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] crazy bids being placed on >Beeb auction
> I think you may have hit the nail on the head there. There is something
> important to collectors (and speculators for the "antiques" of the future)
> about having thinks "mint" and with their packaging. There are plenty of
> Star Wars toys and James Bond cars available for buttons at table sales
> but untouched in their packing? That's a different matter. As you say,
> are plenty of used Beebs for sale (still working but used). To a
> the box sometimes outcosts the actual item.
Software-wise, nowhere is this better illustrated than with the Acornsoft
titles. There can't be many BBC enthusiasts without a working version - be
it original or copy - of, say, Snapper or Monsters; but as for an original
still shrink-wrapped? Another story entirely. Completely intact versions of
Elite, novella, flight books and all, don't tend to go cheaply either.
For my sins I find the earlier, dark blue-clad Superior Software titles
particularly aesthetically pleasing, and am also fascinated in following the
development - through its products - of the company from tiny independent to
the major player in the BBC games market. Are either of these, however,
reason enough for me (or anyone else) to have to bid up to £25 on Ebay for
an original of Superior's Pontoon - one of umpteen available on the market -
and still fail? Discuss!
PS Oh yeah - shameless plug time; I've got around 60-70 games items (mainly
BBC tape, but with some discs and some Electron-compatible stuff) available
for sale at present. Distinctly NON-dealer prices range from 50p to £6.00.
All items have been successfully loaded and titles include Frak!, Road
Runner, Magic Mushrooms, The Sentinel, Anarchy Zone, Pipe Mania!!,
Beach-Head, Exploding Fist, Cheat it Again Joe 1 & 2, and around half a
dozen Play it Again Sams. Email me off-list at jeremy.grayson@... for
more details. Goodnight, auf Wiedersehen and - for Wouter and Jan - tot
All hail Quixall Crossett