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Date   : Mon, 26 Jan 2004 20:27:44 +0000 (GMT)
From   : Thomas Adam <thomas_adam16@...>
Subject: Re: Graphics Rendering in BeebEm

 --- Angus Duggan <angus.duggan@...> wrote: 

> Richard Gellman writes:
> >IMO, there is no speed difference in the whole DirectX vs OpenGL
> debate. 
> >You pick one when you start, and then you stick with it. BeebEm is 
> >DirectX-based ( at least in windows ), and so it shall remain.
> Speed isn't an issue, portability is. It would be nice to have a single
> emulator that worked on multiple platforms. I don't know how much of the
> rest
> of the BeebEm code is Win32-specific, it may be this is a non-issue for

DirectX, is alas very much Win32 specific.

> BeebEm because of other dependencies. If DirectX is the only Win32
> dependency, it would seem like a shame to tie the emulator to one
> platform,
> when OpenGL would allow others.

I agree with this in part. Of all the Unix variants that I have tried so
desperately to compile I have been unsucessful and so I am unable to run a
BBC emulator under Linux. Since the version of BeebEm that Richard (Moo)
is working on is IMHO the best there is for windows, it is a shame that it
is unmatched in the Un*x world.


-- Thomas Adam

"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
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experience will probably kill you. :)"

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